Tag Archives: Hacking

BNR Radiointerview: mijn boek ‘Securing Private Communications’ [audio 25 min]

Op 2 augustus 2016 was ik te gast in het programma van Roelof Hemmen bij BNR. Zowaar een interview van 25 minuten over van alles: mijn boek, gehackte Jeeps, Shodan.io, de zwarte markt voor cyberwarfare en ja, aan het einde liet hij me zelfs even losgaan over homomorphische encryptie – of eigenlijk secure multiparty encryption. Goeie journalist, prima vragen, echt een verademing om eens de tijd te hebben in de studio. Hier te beluisteren:

Here it is: my book Securing Private Communications

After the publication of my Ph.D. thesis in November 2015, at long last my book ‘Securing Private Communications’ is available in stores near you.


You can order the book here, have a look at the marketing flyer here, download the full academic version for free here and read the odd spiffy testimonial below.  Continue reading Here it is: my book Securing Private Communications

Ph.D. Defense: Pics, Slides ‘n’ Thanks

On 25 November, I defended my thesis and obtained my degree as a doctor in law during a public ceremony in the University of Amsterdam church aula. And a ceremony it was: a rather dramatic affair, complete with magic wands, fake candles, druid robes, hobbit-hats and sciency spells – all set in holy surroundings. I couldn’t have imagined a more suitable finale to the innings. Here are some pics and the slides of my introductory talk. Thanks to my Committee and all of you for being there in spirit, or in the flesh. You’ve all made this a finale I’ll always remember fondly.  Continue reading Ph.D. Defense: Pics, Slides ‘n’ Thanks

BREAKING :) abstract and download of my Ph.D. thesis ‘Securing Private Communications’ [open access]

The academic version of my thesis — titled ‘Securing Private Communications’ — is available online. I already committed it to the web in my previous blogpost on my public Ph.D. defense on 25 November 2015 (open to the public). But a friend of mine told me to once again post my abstract and download link for my thesis separately and make that clear in the title of the post. And make it BREAKING news. Ha! Here goes.  Continue reading BREAKING :) abstract and download of my Ph.D. thesis ‘Securing Private Communications’ [open access]

Join me for my public Ph.D. defense ceremony on 25/11 – 11am

My four-year research project ‘Securing Private Communications’ is coming to an end. A grande finale of sorts is my public defense ceremony on 25 November. The ceremony is open to the general public, and the venue is humongous, so you’re all very welcome to join me. Continue reading Join me for my public Ph.D. defense ceremony on 25/11 – 11am